Friday, March 06, 2009

Friday after the storm

Phew, what a week! I want to send big love to every parent with a child who found out this week where they are going to secondary school. Its such a tough process, full of fraught feelings, big stress & emotional roller coasters.
Finally we got our letter and divine inspiration came to our house. My daughter has a place at her second place. I am so so proud of her, she will be going to The Latymer school here in London and about 200o children tried to get into the schol(180 places only) and she did it!!!!!
Truely amazing achievement. Only it didn't seem as great a success as I had envisaged (don't get me wrong, I also worried that it would not work out at all). Her best friends are going to a different school and she is the only girl going to the school from her class. A bittersweet day with more tears than laughter. So, although hours spent working on papers and exam skills did pay off, I still feel it is an unfair process. All the able students who didn't quite make it. The refusals along the way were painful and hard to explain. I know, I too realise that learning to take refusals and rejections is a life skill and paints a realistic picture of real life. It is just so hard to watch your beloved child ache with regret and experience doors shutting in their face at such a young age. After all, you are a child for such a short period of your life. And let's face it adulthood is overated in so many ways.
I am one of the lucky parents and my daughter has the luck she deserves, she worked for it and sacrificed so many sunny afternoons, and snowy days but today finally when she looked at the school website she jumped up and down with glee and had moments of appreciating what a special school it promises to be.
I am filled with gratitude x

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