I have filled the hearts in red on the door, the window box and the chiken coop. I have also sewn a base made of wollen blanket with iron on interfacing on the back, then little stiches all round, laced with orange thread. The title, date and signature did not come out as well as I had hoped. I think this is because of the open weave of the blanket, I have had more success with closer weave fabric or the basic calico as I have used here on the wall sections.
Next the roof.
The days have been bright and sunny and they're exposing the dust and clutter. I despair when I look around at my flat, its a heap!! So I decided to do something about it.
Finite space + heaps of unwanted things = emergency space clearance.
Luckily there was a block cleanse in my area and thanks to a fantastic council driver I finally got rid of the sick and terrifically heavy monitor. (I swear there was a ton of glass in the thing). I also had heaps of tropical fish gear from my beloved uncle who sadly died in January of 2008. I tried to Freecycle them all but no avail and I lost hope, then the kind man from the council (who had helped with the clearance of the Godzilla monitor. A gorgeous huge screen, when they work, one exactly the same as the one I am staring at the screen on as I speak.... or type to be precise. ) mentioned that he had kept fish until someone poured coffee in the tank. ( I ask you, who are these people). e also wanted to encourage his grandson to keep them, Hurrah I thought. The uncle in question would surely approve of these two men having the equipement. A circle, completed. I was never a fish person until 8 years ago my dear dad appeared to drop my then three year old daughter back to me after work. They had five little goldfish in bag and a matching little tank with gravel, a tiny bridge, and a pump for the air stone.I was hooked. Watching her watching them, and then watching them with their beautiful shiny scales, flowing tails. Our own little shoal. When the light was popped on, it made the most entrancing vision. Brilliant.
The man in the petshop said when they had clearly outgrown their tank, "You need a new tank. Try a 2foot tank. They never outgrow their tank." So A new tank was bought. Two then died. This left Harry, Ron and Hermione.
Five years have passed since then, three more tanks. The petshop man laughing throughout ;) and we now have a 4foot tank. Each fish grew to about 30com with long flowing tails. Harry died and we solemly buried him under the new plum tree. About three weeks ago Ron died. He was 35cm. By now we had discovered they were comets. Beautiful fish. I will search out some pictures. ~Hermione, the almost pearly white fish is left alone ;) I get scared when I watch her in case she goes. I never did find out exactly how long they live, but I think that 8-9 years is very good. I remember the poor fish we used to win at the local fair and swing home in their little clear bags and keep for a week until the floated at the top of the globe fish tank. Despite there very messy habits these fish are great pets and exquisitely pretty. Like watching mermaids.
But the lure of sun and blue skies is almost unbearable, so off I go. Sowing more seeds coriander, huge sunflower seeds, Lupins (you can never have enough Lupins) with their turrets of colour pinks, yellows and oranges in this case and tall Foxgloves with creamy middles and speckaled petals. I do indeed predict a riot!
I have made some more space. Tidied up my big cupboard, found heaps of seeds, finished the embroidery, chased my compost delivery, planned a school mural (more about that later). So far April, so good. Shame the boiler broke down day before yesterday and I am coming down with a cold. But you can't have everything can you . Thanks for reading. More coming soon. I promise.
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